JOIN US! West Campus Foundation for Excellence
Welcome to the 2022-23 school year!
As your school’s parent-teacher organization, the WCFE works hard to raise funds to support enrichment activities at West Campus. Our students benefit in many ways from a small, close-knit community; however, the school also struggles with a tight budget due to our small size.
WCFE aims to support the district in making West Campus a highly competitive, award-winning school. Your membership fees and our spring gala fundraiser are two ways our organization supports Moot Court, Yearbook, Band, Drama, athletics, college tour, classroom texts, and scholarships. WCFE also contributes to community-building activites like the Back-to-School BBQ, staff appreciation lunch, and senior breakfast.
West Campus Foundation for Excellence? Why aren't we called PTO, PTSO, or PTA?
Years ago, we set up our parent-teacher group as a nonprofit 501(c) (3) so that the bulk of the money we raised could be spent on the West Campus community, rather than national dues.
How does the WCFE fund raise?
We run two large fundraisers each year; membership and the spring gala. Additionally, we raise funds through several smaller fundraisers and passive fundraisers like Amazon Smile.
How can I request funds from the WCFE?
Each year, the Foundation allocates funds to go to clubs, teams, or staff that exhibit need. To make a request for your team, club, or classroom, submit a Special Funds Request Form at least a week before the upcoming Foundation meeting. Please attend the meeting to give a brief overview and a bit of background regarding your request. Typically, a funding decision will be made by the next month’s meeting.
When are the meetings?
Typically, meetings are on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm. Sometimes we have to move meetings due to holidays. For the school year 2021-2022, General Membership Meetings are scheduled and posted on the West Campus Website Calendar.
2022-2023 Executive Board of Directors
Natasha Fine, President
Bella Agrawal, Vice President
Julie M. Evens, Treasurer
Becky Wiegand, Secretary
Alice Liu, Membership Director
Melanie Bean, Communications Director
2022-2023 Committee Chairs
Rosette Nguyen-Scholarship
Rosette Nguyen-Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Maricel Miguelino-College Tour
Leslie Fox-Parliamentarian & Bylaws
Jill Tompkins-Hospitality